1. Log in to your WarriorPlus account (https://warriorplus.com/login) and click your account username on the upper right hand corner of your dashboard then go to "purchase history"or click the link below to be redirected to the said section.

2. Look for the product that you want to access, click on it, and you will find the "Access Your Purchase" button.

You will then be redirected to the "Members Area" page.

3. On your Members Area, navigate/scroll down to "Step 2" and follow the instructions provided and click the button to register an account.

Please note that you need to do this to access all of your purchase including upgrades and add-ons.

If you get any errors in creating your account or have any concerns, please contact us directly by submitting a ticket here https://bluesoftdesk.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new.